Frequently asked questions.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a personal development process where an experienced individual, known as a coach, provides guidance, support, and feedback to help another person improve specific skills, achieve personal or professional goals, and unlock their full potential. It often involves one-on-one sessions tailored to the individual's needs.

What is training?

Training is a structured program designed to enhance specific skills or knowledge through instruction, practice, and feedback. It typically involves a more formal approach than coaching, with predefined objectives and curriculum, and can be delivered to individuals or groups to improve performance in particular areas.

What is the approach at 4th Wall Communications? Why us?

By blending executive coaching tools and acting methodology training, we empower our clients to embark on a journey of self-discovery. This enables them to become authentic and exceptional communicators, grounded in confidence and self-belief, ultimately achieving success in their personal and professional lives.

How can learning acting methodologies make me a more authentic speaker and communicator? Isn’t acting being fake?

Contrary to the misconception that acting is about being insincere, actors are always seeking the truth. They strive to find the authentic essence of a character and situation, and then communicate that truth to the audience. Similarly, in our coaching, we work with you to find your truth as a human being—your authentic self—and how to effectively communicate that to the world. This process involves self-discovery and reflection, helping you to express your genuine thoughts and emotions in your communications.

If you’d like to learn more about this, check out out blog post: Unleash Your Authentic Self: How Acting Techniques Transform the Way You Communicate

I’m already an experienced speaker, can I benefit from working with a speaker coach?

Absolutely! Even experienced speakers can gain significant benefits from working with a speaker coach. Through advanced techniques, personalised feedback, staying current, overcoming plateaus, specialised training, confidence and presence.

What level of speakers do you consult with?

We work with speakers at every level, from beginners to seasoned keynote presenters, and from individual founders to C-suite executives. Even if English isn't your first language, we can help you become more comfortable and confident in communicating with any audience.

Will my company pay for coaching?

Many clients use professional development funds to pay for coaching. We are happy to provide you with documentation to support this.

What is the return on investment (ROI) of communications coaching?

The ROI of communications coaching can be significant and multifaceted. Here are some key areas where the ROI can be observed:

Enhanced Leadership Effectiveness: Effective communication is a core competency for leaders. Improved communication skills lead to better team alignment, increased employee engagement, and higher morale, which can boost overall productivity and reduce turnover rates.

Improved Professional Relationships: Strong communication skills foster better relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This can lead to increased collaboration, stronger partnerships, and improved customer satisfaction, ultimately driving business growth.

Increased Sales and Revenue: For individuals in sales or client-facing roles, effective communication can lead to more persuasive pitches, better customer relationships, and increased sales. Clear and compelling communication can directly influence closing deals and increasing revenue.

Greater Efficiency and Productivity: Clear communication reduces misunderstandings and errors, saving time and resources. Efficient communication can streamline processes, improve project management, and enhance overall organizational efficiency.

Enhanced Public Speaking and Presentation Skills: For those who frequently present or speak publicly, improved skills can lead to more impactful presentations, greater influence over audiences, and better reception of ideas and proposals. This can be particularly valuable for securing investments, gaining stakeholder buy-in, and promoting organizational initiatives.

Personal and Professional Growth: On an individual level, communication coaching can boost self-confidence and self-belief. This personal growth can translate into a more proactive approach to career advancement and professional opportunities.

Cultural Competence and Global Reach: In a globalized business environment, being able to communicate effectively across cultures is crucial. Communication coaching can help bridge cultural gaps, leading to more successful international collaborations and expansions.

Crisis Management: Effective communication is critical during crises. Well-coached individuals can manage crises better, maintaining calm, clear, and effective communication, which can mitigate damage and help navigate through challenging times more successfully.

Overall, the ROI of communications coaching is reflected in both quantitative outcomes, like increased sales and reduced turnover, and qualitative improvements, such as enhanced leadership presence and better team dynamics.

Who can benefit from our public speaking and leadership communications coaching?

Executives and Senior Leaders: CEOs, presidents, vice presidents, and other top-level executives can benefit from coaching to enhance their communication skills and leadership presence, enabling them to inspire and motivate their teams effectively.

Managers and Supervisors: Middle managers and supervisors who lead teams can benefit from coaching to improve their ability to communicate goals, provide feedback, and lead meetings with confidence and clarity.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and business owners can benefit from coaching to refine their pitch presentations, enhance their networking skills, and effectively communicate their vision to stakeholders, investors, and clients.

Public Figures and Thought Leaders: Public figures, thought leaders, and subject matter experts can benefit from coaching to refine their messaging, enhance their storytelling abilities, and increase their impact and influence on their audience.

Professionals in Transition: Professionals transitioning into leadership roles or seeking career advancement can benefit from coaching to develop their leadership communication skills and increase their confidence in presenting themselves effectively in interviews, meetings, and presentations.

High Potential Leaders and Successors: High potential leaders identified for future leadership roles and successors being groomed for key positions can benefit immensely from coaching. It helps them refine their communication style, build leadership presence, and prepare them for the challenges and responsibilities of leadership roles.

Overall, anyone in a leadership position or aspiring to leadership roles can benefit from executive public speaking and leadership communications coaching to enhance their communication effectiveness, inspire others, and achieve their professional goals.

How are the coaching sessions conducted?

1-1 coaching sessions are typically conducted either in-person or virtually, depending on your preference and location. We also offer workshops for larger groups or teams.

How long does a coaching program typically last?

The duration of a coaching program can vary depending on your goals, availability, and the level of expertise you wish to achieve. We recommend no less than 6 sessions, with sessions scheduled at least every two weeks to ensure steady progress.

What qualifications do your coaches have?

Our founder and head coach is a highly experienced public speaking and leadership communications coach with a 10-year background and qualifications in performing arts and teaching as well as an executive coaching certification from IMD. She is also a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Do you offer any ongoing support after the coaching program is completed?

Yes, we believe in providing ongoing support to our clients even after the coaching program is completed. We offer follow-up sessions, refresher courses, and additional resources to help you maintain and further develop your communication skills over time.